Alexandra Świgut

Chopin's Birthday Concert 2023
Koncert z okazji urodzin Chopina 2023
19 February 2023
All Saints Anglican Church, Cowper Street, Ainslie ACT, Australia

Welcome to the Friends of Chopin Australia’s annual commemoration of the birth of Fryderyk Chopin (1810–1849). This year marks Chopin’s 213th birthday and we are joining with the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Canberra to commemorate this special event with a very special commission.
This year we are celebrating the power of ‘3’. We are celebrating our formal return to activities after three years of hibernation due to covid, we are celebrating the three years it has taken to be able perform Penelope’s wonderful new composition, and we are celebrating three wonderful musicians coming together to celebrate music for trios.
Penelope’s piece was in part inspired by the idea of one element being replaced by another. As we emerge from covid into a new era, let us make a birthday wish together with Chopin that this year brings many such transitions from darkness into light.