Alexandra Świgut


Wanda Horky awarded the OAM
Wanda Horky nagrodzona Medalem Orderu Australii (OAM)
26 Jan 2021
For her services to the Polish community in Australia, including with the Friends of Chopin Australia, Wanda Horky was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in the Australia Day Honours List for 2021.

New music commissions for Poland's Centenary of Regaining Independence
„Powstanie z popiołów” – dwa zamówienia na utwory muzyczne z okazji 100-lecia odzyskania przez Polskę niepodległości 1918-2018 (listopad 2018)
25 Nov 2019
In commemoration of the centenary of the regaining of Poland’s independence (1918-2018), the Friends of Chopin Australia commissioned two pieces of new music.

Ben James awarded the Decoration of Honour for Merit to Polish Culture
Ben James odznaczony Odznaką Honorową Zasłużony dla Kultury Polskiej (marzec 2019)
27 Mar 2019
In recognition of his distinguished activities for the Friends of Chopin Australia, Ben James was awarded the Decoration of Honour for Merit to Polish Culture by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland and presented by H.E. Michał Kołodziejski, Ambassador of Poland to Australia.

Wanda Horky awarded Knight's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland
Wanda Horky odznaczona Krzyżem Kawalerskim Orderu Zasługi Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (sierpień 2018)
1 Aug 2018
In recognition of her decades of services to Polish culture and the Polish community in Australia, Wanda Horky was awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland by the Polish Government. Wanda was given her award by the President of Poland Andrzej Duda on a state visit to Australia at a ceremony in Sydney.

Book Launch – ‘Konsul’ about Honorary Consul-General to Australia Władysław Noskowski
Premiera książki – ,,Konsul” o
Honorowym Konsulu Generalnym w Australii Władysławie Noskowskim (marzec 2018)
27 Mar 2018
Launch of the book Konsul: biografia Władysława Noskowskiego by Bogumiła Żongołłowicz with a musical interlude by Alexander Yau was held at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Canberra.

Launch of the 1st International Chopin Competition on Period Instruments
Inauguracja I Międzynarodowego Konkursu Chopinowskiego na Historycznych Instrumentach (marzec 2018)
19 Mar 2018
Friends President Ben James travelled to Warsaw again as a guest of the Beethoven Easter Festival, and continued the Friends links with Chopin institutions and activities in Warsaw. This trip coincided with a special gala concert for the launch of the 1st International Chopin Competition on Period Instruments to be held in September that year.

Master Classes and Private Lessons
Kursy mistrzowskie i lekcje prywatne
10 Sept 2017
Inspiration of young musicians and providing pathways for further growth and achievement is of central importance to the Friends. We have arranged masterclasses and private lessons for students with eminent visiting teachers and performers.

Beethoven Easter Festival
Wielkanocny Festiwal Beethovena (Warszawa, marzec 2017)
31 Mar 2017
Ben travelled to Warsaw in March 2017 to attend the Beethoven Easter Festival as a guest of the Ludwig van Beethoven Association, as well as to finalise activities in Poland in support of the 3rd edition of the Australian International Chopin Piano Competition.

2nd Chopin Competitions Conference
II Konferencja Konkursów Chopinowskich i powiązania ze Stowarzyszeniem im. Ludwiga van Beethovena (wrzesień 2016)
20 Sept 2016
In November 2016, Ben James returned to Warsaw to attend the second International Chopin Competitions Conference to present and promote the upcoming 3rd edition of the Australian International Chopin Piano Competition.

17th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition
XVII Międzynarodowy Konkurs Pianistyczny im. Fryderyka Chopina
(Warszawa, październik 2015)
1 Oct 2015
In October, Ben James returned to Warsaw on behalf of the Friends of Chopin Australia to attend the 17th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition as a guest of the National Institute of Fryderyk Chopin.

Admission to the International Federation of Chopin Societies
Przyjęcie do Międzynarodowej Federacji Towarzystw Chopinowskich
19 May 2015
The Friends of Chopin Australia are formally admitted into membership of the International Federation of Chopin Societies (IFCS) and formally notified of admission on 19 May 2015.

1st Chopin Competitions Conference
1st Konferencja na temat polskiego Konkursu Chopinowskiego
22 Apr 2015
The Friends of Chopin Australia were invited to attend the first annual Chopin Competitions Conference held in Radziejowice Palace in Warsaw in April 2015. Wanda Horky and Ben James attended the Conference on behalf of the Australian International Chopin Piano Competition.

Bilateral Relations Visit
Wizyta związana z obustronną współpracą
12 Apr 2015
In April 2015, Ben James travelled to Poland on behalf of the Friends for a series of meetings arranged by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Canberra and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Poland) to further the interests of the Australian International Chopin Piano Competition, and to raise the profile of the Friends of Chopin Australia in Poland.